(319) 721-3175 kp@kppersaud.com

The road to a better, more efficient, and more profitable business.


Through my coaching program, I help business owners get the results they’re after.  Find out how.



What is Business Coaching?

Traditionally, a coach motivates, teaches, and holds players accountable to overcome their challenges to become their best. A business coach does the same for business owners. As your coach, I am your business partner, mentor, and confidant.  I can answer your questions, help you handle difficult situations, and help you to stick to your goals.

Why a Business Coach and not a Consultant?

A business consultant usually has a narrow focus on one or two things.  With a business coach, you can tackle multiple aspects of your business.  And unlike a consultant, I will coach you through the implementation of our developed strategies so you can do them yourself and improve as a business owner.

Why KP Persaud?

A Track Record of Success

I’ve had a lot of success coaching business owners and have helped them get exciting results.  For one recent client, I helped take his business from being six figures in the red to turning a profit in a matter of months. 

Real-World Business Experience

Before beginning my coaching career several years ago, I had already spent 30 years working at various businesses. I learned on the inside the skills and methods that can help a business succeed.

Education & Certifications

I have a degree from the University of Michigan, various business certifications, and I’m a certified business coach with ActionCoach. 

What will you help me improve?

I provide a comprehensive approach for helping both the business and the owner make massive improvements.  I’ll help you tackle a wide variety of issues necessary for success, like:


Business Mastery

I’ll help you master certain business skills that will provide a solid foundation for everything you do.  


Financial Management

Managing money is about more than just software and monitoring account balances.  Together we’ll install a financial system that’s right for you. 


Business Growth

I’ll ensure you don’t remain stagnant and only grow in ways that are healthy and sustainable. We’ll identify how you can grow and devise a reliable strategy to follow.


Strategic Planning

I’ll help you create the plans and strategies you need to get your business on an upward trajectory. 


Eliminate Waste

Let’s identify where your business is leaking money and resources. Stop the leaks and invest the savings.  It’s a quick and easy way to increase profitability. 


Personal Leadership

You’re in the driver’s seat but where are you headed? You must have a clear vision or purpose behind what you do.  Once you do, you’ll experience massive gains.


Sales & Marketing

We’ll assess your sales/marketing efforts, explore some new methods, and implement a system to measure results.



Through training, development, and other approaches, we can ensure you’re getting maximum production from employees.  



Stop working like an “employee” of your business.  Learn to become an owner. Build a business that works for you and that doesn’t require your constant attention or presence.

What features are included in the coaching program?

Here’s what comes with my coaching program.

Live Coaching Sessions

Scheduled sessions by phone, Skype, or in person where you’ll get individualized help.

Diagnostics & Assessments

Specific tools for analyzing and strengthening businesses and individuals.


Training & Skills Development

Get instruction and guidance in areas where you and your team need improvement.


A Proven Methodology & Framework

The blueprint for success that I’ve developed for guiding clients on the journey to success.


A Custom Built Action Plan

A road map to keep you on the path to success specifically built for you.

Tools & Resources

Access to a library of written materials, videos, and other resources to fuel your growth.

ActionCoach System

The same system used by hundreds of business coaches around the world.

Ongoing Performance Checks

Gauge your progress with scheduled performance checks and audits.

On-Call Help

I help clients whenever things come up–days, nights, or weekends.

How does the coaching program work?

I tailor my approach to each individual client’s needs, but here’s how my coaching program works in general.   We first start with a series of diagnostic tools and assessments to identify what exactly you need to improve–and in what order.

After understanding your “paint points,” we then prioritize what to tackle first.  We put together an action plan with specific goals identifying what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. We then immediately begin making improvements in order of importance.

I guide you through this implementation process and help keep you accountable for sticking to your goals.  Along the way, we also measure your progress through ongoing performance reviews and tracking benchmarks.

One thing that makes me very valuable to clients is my ability to roll up my sleeves and work along with you. I won’t just give you a checklist to work on.  If there’s something you need help implementing or addressing, I’m here to help.  It’s a part of your coaching package.

Do I have to sign a long-term contract or worry about hidden fees?

Nope.   I only work for clients who want me around.  There are no tricks, gimmicks, or long-term commitments.  You can cancel at anytime with a thirty-day notice.  There are no cancellation fees or continuing obligations.

What if I'm not fully satisfied?

Again, you can cancel any time.  This arrangement means it’s in my best interest to ensure you’re getting results. If you’re not successful, then I’m not either. This is a big reason why I have so many long-term clients.  Try me for 30 days, and if you’re not completely satisfied or seeing results, I’ll give you a full refund.



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(319) 721-3175


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