(319) 721-3175 kp@kppersaud.com

Let’s pretend you want different results than you’re currently getting.  You recognize that you can’t keep doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.

You realize it’s time to make a change (or better yet, a series of changes) to get the kind of results you’re after. To get different results, you must change the behaviors that produce those results.

So, what’s the best way to change your behaviors–especially when it is difficult?

First, you must become aware of these behaviors in the first place.  My advice is to write down as many of these behaviors that you want to change.

Are there particular things that trigger the behavior you’re trying to avoid? Think about all of the circumstances surrounding these behaviors.  From there, you can then assess what needs to be done differently and how to do it.  Consider removing the triggers and circumstances that lead to these behaviors.

Once you’re ready to start making changes, don’t rely on will-power alone.  People fail to make behavioral changes because it is too difficult or uncomfortable.  We start off strong, but then revert to our old ways.

To be successful, you must have a clear, realistic, and powerful “why” for making the change. Nietzsche said it best when he said, “He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.”

The “why” or reason for the change must be more powerful than the pain. Change occurs as your comfort zone expands. As you grow, your results will follow.

Behavioral changes for better results require you to:

  • Start doing new things.
  • Stop doing some current things.
  • Get better or more efficient at some things you are already doing.
  • Utilize more of your strengths

As a business coach, I work with business owners and executives to help move their business or career in the direction they wish to go. For some clients, hiring a coach was a result of poor performance and desperation. For others, their business had grown too big for their leadership capabilities. I identify my clients’ ‘pain points’ and then develop strategies to help them improve

Unlike a consultant, I work with my clients through the implementation stage and beyond. As the coach, my main challenge is not only identifying needed changes but also, getting owners and executives to make the changes.

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